The Mins Games

On my last post I talked a little about minimalism and how our family has come to embrace the concept of it. I got a lot of good feedback and even some emails with people saying they've been wanting to do similar things but find it really difficult. Let me introduce you to the minimalist game! Its a really simple concept by Joshua and Ryan. Its a game you play with someone for 30 days. You get rid of something each day, according to the number date. So the for example on the 12th of November you get rid of 12 things, the 13th its 13, and so on. The first few days it can be easy but as you get further in the month it gets harder. But the reason it works is because you have to really start being intentional about what you get rid of towards the end. Even if you cant get through the whole month, its a good way to kick off a decluterring.

So the way I do it is just make sure that by the end of each night whatever I'm getting rid of is in a box and in the garage. In the original game its suppose to be out of the house but I'm not about to go to the thrift store everyday, ain't nobody got time for that. I'm also flexible on adding days together if you're doing a room at a time. When all is said and done you should be rid of 465 things (if I know math). That is such a great start to decluttering or just reevaluating all of your things. Its really kicked me into a purge and nothing is safe. So I challenge you to give it a try! Even if you don't do it all month, you can still get rid of some stuff.

Let me know in the comments or email if you're giving it a try! Sending everyone who goes all month a little gift :) Happy Purging!

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