Say no to juicing

I'm surprised at the amount of people who still like to juice these days. I always thought it was a fad trend that would eventually go away, but still some people are holding on. Surprisingly, even a few of the health bloggers I follow do this and often recommend it. Just the other day I saw a video of someone showing you how to juice and I couldn't help but laugh at it. Juicing just seems so silly to me, I never understood it. My mom would make us drink them every morning when we were younger. They were disgusting! My brother and I would always joke that she would just juice anything she could find. So why is juicing such a bad option?

1. It has a lot of sugar

Often, in order to make the juices taste remotely good, you need to put a lot of fruit in it. When you juice fruit, you are taking all the fiber out of it and just keeping the sugar. Your body can process the sugar in fruit slowly because of the fiber but remove that and you are drinking straight up sugar water which can raise blood sugar as much as soda.

2. Calories

Juicing often has more calories than if you were to just eat the fruit. When we eat fruit, our body has to work to break it down. When you drink juice there's no work, your body just takes in the sugar there's not as much work to break it down.

3. It's expensive

When you juice you're throwing away the really good part of fruits and vegetables. What you might normally consume in a day or two, you do it in one glass. It takes a lot of fruits and vegetables to make up one juice, now imagine doing that everyday. It gets expensive and you end up wasting money.

4. It's not that good for you

Simply put its better to just eat the food. The skin not only has fiber but a lot of really good things in it. Even if are doing a green juice, like the one I saw in the video, its probably not that good. In the recipe she juiced, celery, apple, cucumber, and kale. Two of those are mostly water, I'm not even sure how much juice you can get from kale and apples without the fiber are basically sugar water. It can also be harmful if you're not careful about how much of something you're putting in a recipe. Yes even too much of a good thing is bad.

Juicing is by no means the worst thing in the world. It can be a good way of getting vitamin C and other vitamins for someone who doesn't eat any fruits and vegetables. But it's also not the best option. You would have to do mostly vegetables, a lot of them, and probably add supplements in order for it to be worth it. When done right, juicing is crazy expensive and just not necessary. So just do what the rest of us do and hold you're nose while eating your kale.

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