Favorite Toddler Books

I wanted to share some of our favorite toddler books at the moment. I am always looking for a good book for Jed because most of the time he would rather see TV than read. But here are some books that have managed to keep his attention.
1. Sticker Books. Are probably Jed's very favorite right now. His grandma got him a couple of really cool ones that he enjoys putting together. When I thought of sticker books I always assumed they were literally a book with nothing but stickers, but you actually use the stickers on separate pages. Even though theres not a lot of words in these, they can be educational. Depending on the book you get, kids can learn about food, dinosaurs, body parts, shapes. Below is an example of the inside of a book.
I didn't post a link to any because there are so many options for these types of books. These in particular are Usborne books.

2. The Gruffalo. As far as story books, this one is probably Jeds favorite, along with Where the Wild things are. But that is such a popular book that i didn't bother including it. This one might be just as popular but I actually didn't know about it until my mother in law sent it (grandma for the win again!). This book is so cute and clever. The story is just so cleverly written!

3 & 4. Mix it up and Press Here. These books go together because they're by the same author. These are hands down my favorite books we read. Jed has so much fun with them, and he's learning!! Press Here is more basic colors and counting, perfect for toddlers. Mix it Up teaches kids about how to mix colors to make other colors. They're both genius! We love reading these, and have even bought them for our friends as gifts.

5. Shine a light books. These are actually books we haven't tried but I would like to try next. I did some research and saw some Youtube videos and they looks like a so much fun. They seem like regular books, but when you shine a flashlight on the pages they reveal pictures. I think Jed would love these! They are definitely our list to try. These are all Usborne books but I have seen them on Amazon as well.

These are just a few of our favorites. I am always looking for good interactive books since that's what Jed seems to enjoy the most. Right now the sticker books are his favorite. I've heard of wipe clean books as well which I would really like to get for long car rides or airplane trips. We are always looking for a good book if you know of any.

Comment down below with some of your favorites! 

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Sonia Michelle said...

These look great! Thanks for the list. I am birthday shopping for my nephew and he will love these!

Unknown said...

Love this post! I have heard that the 'Press Here' book is so good, I'll have to get that one!


Katie Did What said...

Ooh I haven't read any of these! Definitely adding to my list- mix it up and press here look SO fun!!


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